Tuesday, May 12, 2020

'X' marks the spot

Today was the third election for this year.  This was a special election for our House Rep.  The former one quit at the end of December and the person elected today will run again in November w/ every other House Rep.   About half of our registered voters either came to the polls or sent in absentee votes.  We followed the same protocol for in-person voters as we did at last month's election so some people remembered we wanted them to first wash their hands when they walked in.  Did have one man that said if he had to wash his hands he would go home.  I replied that I was only asking him to wash his hands and he decided to comply.  It was late in the afternoon and I'm guessing he'd had his fill of being told what to do all day.  Then there was the guy who didn't want to stand on the 'X' we'd put on the floor in tape to indicate six feet from the poll workers.  "I've seen enough Road Runner cartoons to know what happens if you stand on the X."  One couple left yelling "We've Got To Take Back Our Country!"  Given current circumstances I'm not sure which political party that's a rallying cry for.  Lots of voters were just very glad to be out and about on a clear sunny spring day.  We closed the polls at 8 and finished up the counting and paperwork by 9:30.  Next election will be August.

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