Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Spreading fertilizer (I think)

Over 13 hours of standing on the cement floor of the Town Hall yesterday took it's toll on me and I decided to make today a day of rest.   As I lingered at the table over my Russian tea, I saw an indigo bunting and a pair of orioles for the first time this year.  Got to remember to pick up grape jelly and/or orange for them.  Because of the corona virus, the U.S. Supreme Court is live broadcasting oral arguments.  Listened to a fascinating discussion on 'faithless electors' - that's members of the Electoral College who do not vote according to how their state directed them to vote.   The 2016 presidential election had the most 'faithless electors' so far.  It has never altered the overall election of who became the president-elect but might someday.  Before that I heard discussions on the sovereignty Native Americans have over crimes committed on their land and another discussion on if anti-discrimination laws apply to teachers in parochial schools.  One surprise during oral arguments is  Justice Clarence Thomas.  He went for a decade once w/o asking even one question during oral arguments.  Now he's become positively chatty.  Court TV has commentators who describe the issues before oral arguments begin and comment on what was said after they end.  Who needs sports to return to TV when we can listen in on the Supreme Court!

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