Friday, May 22, 2020

Turkey Vulture

Phil hung a large picture in the workshop.  It's a good sized picture - as large as the pencil drawing of horses pulling a load of logs in Mjolnir's bathroom.  Difference is Phil's picture is a photo closeup of the inside of a flower - bright yellow stamen w/ brilliant pink, orange and red petals surrounding it.   Later in the morning Friend Nancy stopped by and we picked up a few plants from the nursery and food from Subway.  Once back at my place she transferred the plants to her car, went into Mjolnir to wash up and we sat out on the deck to eat.   Phil joined us and he mentioned the new picture.  "What picture?" Nancy asked.  Phil and I were surprised.  In the monotone black-gray-white of the workshop, we thought that picture really stood out.  So we all trekked into the workshop and showed her there was indeed a picture.  Once outside I said the picture was more colorful than the one in the bathroom.  "There's a picture in the bathroom?" was Nancy's reply.

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