Wednesday, May 20, 2020

First Cut of the Year

Blitz woke me up by tapping my face w/ her paw.  She wanted attention but it also felt a lot like she was saying the sun was up and why wasn't I?  As I got dressed I looked out the bedroom window and there was Dunder sitting on a concrete slab waiting for something to move.  What had I done?!  Had I somehow left Dunder outside all night?  (I know I checked on him before I went to bed.)  Had Phil gone outside and Dunder slipped out w/ him?  (Probably not, I'd be able to hear Phil calling for the cat.)  I opened up my window.  Where Dunder won't come back inside through an open door, he loves the novelty of jumping inside through an open window.  Dunder heard the sound of the opening window and turned to look.  He then raced off across the meadow toward the Dearhamer place.  I figured it out in a flash.  When Mr. Dearhamer had let me pick out kittens a few years back, Dunder was one of a litter of eight - each one male and each cat identical looking except for the white marking on their paws.  The cat I saw outside must have been one of Dunder's brothers.  I opened my bedroom door and there in the middle of the rug demurely sat Dunder, my Dunder.  One of the few times today he acted nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Good story!
Glad you are keeping our brother busy!
