Saturday, May 30, 2020

Handmade Oriole feeder

Besides the jelly feeder for the orioles I also wanted to offer them a real orange.  I'd had something to mount an orange on at one time but couldn't find it anymore.  Was watching Ask This Old House when I saw them using a 'butterfly bolt' to hang things if a stud wasn't available.  At least I thought that's what they called it, Phil & Russell said it's a 'toggle bolt'.  I ran the bolt through the middle of half an orange, tightened up the nut, and hung it from kite string.  Orioles wouldn't touch it.  I wondered if the string was putting them off or maybe it swung too much in the wind.  I didn't need to be concerned, it just took the birds time to get used to it.  Once they did it was pecked pretty clean in a short period of time. 
 -  I read over this entry again.  Guess I have to agree w/ my friend.  She said she doesn't read my blog 'cause it's rather 'blah'. (ha)


Brent said...

Very creative! I love reading your blogs.

Anonymous said...

She's a Meanie!


The Sandbar said...

I think your blog is great! I read it every day.
Your "friend"? must have been having a bad day.


Anonymous said...

I love your pictures and keeping up with the north-woods news.