Saturday, May 02, 2020

Goldfinches on grape vines

The garden nurseries are open.  I called a local nursery first and asked if they had any special procedures for shopping.  "No", the owner said,"Everything is wide open.  Just come on in."  She was right.  Every door and window was open.  The aisles were wide. Next to no one shopping.  I'd picked a good time to be there.  Once home I repotted the flowers into containers.  Usually I combine different colored geraniums together (by the way, nothing goes w/ peach)  but this year I went mono-color in every pot.  Not sure if I subconsciously went conservative because of these last weeks of monocracy or if something else is bothering me.   Once that was completed, Indy and I went to sit out for awhile on the shady side of the deck.  In the afternoon that's also the side where all of the bird feeders are located.  The goldfinches were quite put out.  They congregated on the stockade nearby and bad-mouthed us for ruining their snack time.   Eventually they will get accustomed to our presence but for now they too are playing things conservatively.

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