Thursday, April 30, 2020


I sat down for breakfast.  Blitz was on the bench across from me and chasing her tail.  She would spin for awhile, stop, and then spin again.  Understood how she felt.  I got up and threw out two cat tunnels  and a mouse toy that squeaks.  They aren't new toys but putting toys away for a couple of months makes them special to the cats when I bring them back out.  Reacquainting w/ their new-old toys kept both cats busy until their nap times.  When they became active again I let them roam around in the garage (making sure I shut the doggy door to the run first).   Dunder had shredded the last balloon so I picked up a new balloon today and tied it to a little plastic for them to bat around.   Tonight before going to bed I checked that doors were locked and did a head count of pets.  Found Blitz asleep in one of the kitty-tubes.  Think that means she had a good day.

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