Sunday, May 03, 2020

Dunder in a patch of sun

I'd been meaning to wash the cushy fleece that I'd put down for the dog to sleep on.  Indy prefers the hard floor so I've been training her to go over to the fleece and lay down.  If she does, she gets a treat.   She's learned that part well but as soon as she gets her treat she moves back to the floor.  Anyway, like I said, I've been meaning to wash it so last night when Blitz threw up on it I wasn't too upset.   This morning I washed it but getting it pinned to the clothesline was like attaching a milker on a heifer.  15 m/p/h winds were whipping it about and it was too much for my plastic clothespins.  Yesterday, the winds were just as wild and I found my jeans in the middle of the driveway.   (Maybe that's why the clothesline posts are bending inward?)   Like I said, I wasn't too upset when Blitz upchucked.  Just would like to know why cats search out a patch of fabric to regurgitate on rather than the easier-to-cleanup tile, concrete, laminate, or wood flooring.

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