Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Started the day off by e-mailing my senator to see if he couldn't convince the president to fact-check his tweets.  Not holding my breath on that one.  One of the hummingbird feeders was empty so I made another batch of juice and refilled it.  There are three feeders around the deck but throughout the day often had eight hummers (maximum capacity) sitting and drinking from that one w/ others buzzing around.  Hmmm ... must have been a good batch.   Off and on rain this morning so I made a list of tasks to do and ticked them off as they were completed.  Around noon I checked the on-line site for the cafe downtown.  The special today was a triple onion burger - a cheese burger topped w/ fried onions, raw onions, and onion rings.  Put in my order and picked it up along w/ my mail.  The rain tapered off later in the afternoon.  I took the garbage down to the end of the driveway for pickup tomorrow.  Attached the garden hose to the outside spigot and cleaned out one of the kitty litter boxes.  Levered the concrete top off the septic system and used the hose to do the bi-yearly clean of the filter.  Pulled some more yellow rocket in the meadow ('tis the season).  Every night this week I've fallen asleep almost immediately after getting into bed.  However I wake up later because of nightmares.   Think my sleep would be less disturbed if the president would back off on his 'pants-on-fire' tweets.


Anonymous said...

Un-friend him 😂


Flip said...

Maybe just stop reading the tweets. Seems like that would be a lot easier and not bother you so much.
