Tuesday, May 26, 2020


After Indy had gotten all of the treats out of her nightly treat ball and the cats had snacks up on the library shelves, Indy and I walked out on the deck (Dunder slipped outside between our feet).  The colors were amazing.  The sun was low in the west illuminating the green of the meadow.  Impending storm clouds had turned the southern horizon a deep blue.  I sat down to enjoy the last of the daylight.  The doe came running into the meadow and stopped.  She had to because the fawn was having trouble keeping up.  As soon as it did, the doe took off towards the woods again and had to stop once more since the little guy just isn't that fast yet.  She didn't have her tail up so I don't think she was afraid.  Maybe just a teaching moment for the fawn?  Then I heard it.  It isn't the sound of rustling leaves in the wind.  It was the sound of heavy rain drops pummeling the earth.  When a puff of wind hit my face, I knew it was time to take shelter.  We scampered inside just in time.  Dunder wasn't so lucky.  He'd been out by the lilacs and when the rain started in earnest he ran to try and elude it but it was everywhere.  I opened the door and called to him but he decided to go under the deck and I had to shut the door to keep the driving rain out.   After that burst of rain ended (and before the next one began) I retrieved a wet unhappy Dunder.  Won't stop him from trying to slip out again - he's sweet but not real bright.

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