Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lilac Visitors

 The last week has been warm, humid, and wet.  The flora loved it and jump started spring into full-blown summer.  The lilacs are still in bloom and the currently the center of attention.  I sat out on the deck and saw my first butterflies - a yellow tiger swallowtail and monarch - attracted to the flowers.  Plenty of bees and also a clearwing hummingbird moth.  I was pretty attracted to the lilacs too so cut a few to bring into the house.  Tonight cooler temps are coming in so I shut the windows.  The whole house positively reeks of lilacs now.


Anonymous said...

Ooo, great pictures! I can almost smell the lilacs. 💜


Anonymous said...

Love the butterflies on the lilacs. Mine is almost done but love the smell of them! Carolyn