Monday, April 27, 2020


Show and Tell at the last Zoom meeting was OK but it's sometimes hard to get things to show up on the screen especially if you are using a virtual background.  So we decided for our next meeting we would have a contest to see who could come up w/ the best virtual background.  I tried out the one I think I'll use on different Zoom meeting I attended today.  It's pretty good but I'm still looking for a Mr. Spock background that I like.  Since my friends and I are having our meeting on the 31st, we also decided instead of e-mailing our monthly 'book reports' we could have a real book club meeting.  As you know my friends and I have varied tastes so our book club allows each member to read whatever they want and report on it.  Went out on the deck this afternoon and finished up my book this afternoon.  It's one of those books you have to think about after you've read it.  Fortunately thinking is one of the few things that doesn't require social distancing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Pussywillows! They are so unique! Carolyn