Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Grey Squirell

Forecast was for rain all day.  I felt the need to get in a walk.  Since the rain hadn't started yet I eschewed the second cup of coffee and took off for a short jaunt around the gorge.  I had gotten only as far as the edge of the lawn when I remembered I'd told my neighbor that I would carry bear spray w/ me.   Michelle sent me an e-mail that she and her husband had been four-wheeling in their back swamp when they came across some bear - a sow with three cubs.  I went back to the house, threw my phone in the camera bag along w/ my large can of pepper spray and started out again.  Went as far as where the path diverges - one way goes back to the house and the other through the woods.  I could practically smell the impending storm.    Decided to take off through the woods and look for the first hepatica.  Didn't see any of them but lots of spring beauties.  (None of them were open since the sky was overcast).   Picked my way across some inundated swampy areas and then took the path along the edge of the woods.  The maples are putting out their flowers too.  Back home I settled down w/ that second cup of coffee.  By the time I finished, it was raining.

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