Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter bunny the day after

The three of us met after 4 p.m. at the Town Hall to count the ballots from the April 7th election.  The state had decided that any absentee ballot postmarked by April 7th could be counted.  First we opened those late arriving ballots and added them to the rest of the ballots cast last week. Then we tallied up the votes from all of the paper ballots received.  Next booted up the voting machine and printed off the votes it automatically counted for us.  Added together the absentee count along w/ the machine count and that was the final vote count.  Finished up a myriad of paperwork in triplicate and put a set in a bag to be delivered to the school (school board election).  Another set went in a bag for the county (referendum, judge election, county supervisor, and presidential preference).  The final set were filed in the town's office as our backup.  Before we three dispersed, decided on when we would meet again to setup for the next month's election.  It felt reminiscent of the first scene from Macbeth (but 'double,double, toil and trouble' to the person who ever refers to me as a crone.)

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