Sunday, April 12, 2020


A different Easter but maybe not for the reason you think.   The snow began at 7 a.m. and it has been snowing steadily since.  Figure we'll have at least 5" by the end of it tonight.   I'd forgotten to figure out anything special to make for the day until friends mentioned what they were planning.   I had a souffle this morning because that kinda sounded spring-like.  I dyed a few eggs using spices from the rack.  For lunch decided to make Fried Saffron Rice because of all the bright colors in it.  Afterward Indy was on the floor asleep next to my chair and Dunder was curled up in my lap - also asleep.  I hadn't heard from Blitz in awhile so went looking to make sure she wasn't shut up in a room somewhere.  Found a bulge in the quilt on my bed and a soft push resulted in a muffled meow.  Not sure if Blitz was sleeping under the covers because it's quiet and dark -or- if she couldn't face watching it snow again.

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