Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Just out of reach

The library is still closed so no new books coming in.  Time to hit that stash of books I've collected over time and always meant to read.  At a library sale sometime ago I'd picked up a group of books called Great Books of the Western World.  I started on a play by Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound.  I knew the myth already so was looking forward to how the ancient Greeks would portray this struggle of gods and man.  However at the beginning of the book was a list of all of the other books in the series and there in volume 12 was The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.  I'd been wanting to read those for awhile - I often hear people quoting from them.  (Yes, I do.  "Have Gun, Will Travel" just had Richard Boone quoting him twice in the same episode.)  Anyway, now I have to decide which to read first.  However from the news reports looks like I'll have plenty of time to make it through both.

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