Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Tree at Sunrise

Hope springs eternal.  Looked like it would be a nice day so I decided to wash and put away my winter outerwear: gloves, hats, scarves, coats.  Well, I usually don't bother w/ a coat until it gets really cold and I never did break out the anorak this year.  I only wore the black go-to-meetings down vest, the black every-day down vest, and the blue one.  Washed the two black vests and afterward hung everything out to dry.   Time to change calendars.  The one in the dining room is of old maps and the April map is a 1508 world map.  It depicts Europe, Asia, Africa and some islands where the Americas should be.  Smiled because it matches what I read in a book about the Polynesians recently.  I wiped March off the glass calendar that Brent put up for me in the study.   Started filling in this month.   I have four color pens and use the black one for the basics - month name and dates.  The red pen is for meetings/appointments.  The green one is for days of interest.  The blue pen is used for info I want to keep track of.  When I finished it wasn't very colorful.  Thank goodness for April Fool's Day, Passover, Good Friday, Easter, Earth Day, and Ramadan in green or the calendar would be pretty barren.  Sunny so Indy and I went out on the deck to read (well, she just watches).  Had to wear the blue vest 'cause for all my hopeful wishing it isn't all that warm yet.

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