Saturday, January 11, 2020

Whitetail Deer

My annual doctor's appointment was on Friday.  First there is the required Medicare wellness questions by an RN.  This nurse didn't overreact when she asked if I'd fallen in the last year and I replied that I had a couple of times.   Instead she just wanted to know if I had hurt myself and I told her I didn't think I'd even gotten a bruise.  At the end of her questions she asked me to name as many animals as I could in a minute ... and "Go."  I panicked.  Then  remembered the animals in the Chinese Zodiac that I go through when the sermon becomes a bit staid. Then I listed some local fauna and went on to more exotic wild species.  The ABC song from Dinosaur Train came to me so I started listing extinct animals:  "Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Corythosaurus" before she said "Stop."  Medicare only wants a person to be able to list 14 animals so I did OK.  The doc came in after the nurse left.  Now that I'm getting older there seems to be less poking and prodding required.  All of the labs were good.  My blood pressure was sky high but the doc is well aware of my 'white coat syndrome'.  I had brought in the card of BP readings I had taken over the last year plus my BP machine so she could check it.  Satisfied she had me make another checkup appointment w/ her for next year.  I figure that's a good sign.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Guess the wellness mental check has to be more than "who is the current president?
Like the deer picture.