Thursday, November 14, 2019

The other side of Autumn

The back end of autumn isn't as photogenic as is the first part.  At the beginning of fall it's all bright colored leaves, fields of goldenrod, and geese flying south in their characteristic 'V' pattern.  Now those leaves have fallen and even the tamarack have dropped their needles.   Cold enough these last days to freeze the ground so the ski hill is making snow - usually at night but lately even during the day.  They are hoping to have enough of a base to open for Thanksgiving.   The balsam have so many cones at their peaks that they look like they have brown caps.   The chickadees will clean them out during the winter.  With the leaves gone you can see the white bare-bones look of the birch.  This part of the year has a beauty all it's own - but it's an acquired taste.

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