Monday, November 18, 2019

I don't know what he's carrying around

Dunder followed me around the house.  If I sat down he was up on the desk or my lap wanting to be petted.  He meowed loudly if he couldn't find me.  He pounced on Blitzen.  Figured he was bored so I opened the door to the garage.  He can't get outside through the dog door, the heat's not on during the day and, anyway, it wasn't that cold (relatively speaking).  Both he and Blitz spent most of the morning out there.  I figured they would enjoy exploring all of the garage's nooks and crannies.  As an added benefit, they might scare the voles that sometimes want to take up residence this time of year.  My only concern was that if they did catch something they wouldn't bring it back to me for 'show and tell'.

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