Saturday, September 14, 2019

Valient grapes

Indy and I sat out on the deck this morning.  There won't be that many more days where we can do that.  Already I sit on the warm sunny side rather than the shady side (that's the opposite from during the summer).   Watched a hummingbird check out a feeder.  The fluid is pretty fresh.  Earlier last week the two remaining feeders were empty.  I put a little fresh sugar water in and they were empty again by the next morning.  This continued for a couple more days.  Finally saw a bucket of water I'd left on the deck had been sloshed about and there were wet footprints across the deck.  A raccoon.  I placed the feeders on tables on the deck.  The hummers don't care if they are hanging and locate them by their bright red color.  For whatever reason the coon hasn't bothered them in their new location.  Another week and the last hummers should be on their way south.

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