Friday, September 13, 2019

Goldenrod and Asters

The on-line forecast last night was for very early rain but the rest of the next day would be dry.  During breakfast the TV weatherman said the rain was now past and, while it would be overcast and windy all day, it would also be dry.  I washed and hung out the clothes on the line.  I was putting away dishes when I heard sheets of rain hit the windows.  But it didn't last long before the sun came out.  That was momentary too.  The sequence of rain/sun kept up for the rest of the day.  Figured if I could get just two hours of wind w/ no rain everything on the line would dry.  Never happened.  At sunset I brought everything in and finished them off in the dryer.  On the positive side, the clothes were extremely well rinsed.

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