Sunday, September 15, 2019

Scarlet Hood mushrooms

Indy didn't come w/ me on the walk today.  She'll go on short walks but seemed to realize this one would be longer and she decided to lay down in the grass and wait for me to come back.  Can't be too upset - in dog years she's around 100 years old.  I made sure the end of my walk would be up through the old forest.  It's late summer and all of the rain we've had should bring out the mushrooms.  I was right.  Took pictures of so many that it will take awhile to figure out what they all were.  The forest still has a full canopy so even mid-day I had to monkey w/ exposures or use a flash to get pictures.  Had a great time - only thing missing was having a dog along.


Brent said...

Have been enjoying your pictures of the late summer. I imagine the mornings are on the cool side now. Still hot here in TX - almost 100 yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Olivia knows her mushrooms very well from working at the IL Nature Center. I bet she could answer some questions for you.