Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Daylilies in display 'vase'

I've been putting 'H' and 'D' on my calender for each day in September that I see a hummingbird and a daylily blooms.  I've got a lot of daylilies and there will be blooms for quite a while yet.  Last year the village clerk had complained that she loves flowers but nothing would grow in her yard.  I dug up a Bela Lugosi variety for her.  The flowers are large and deep deep purple.   She was quite happy that not only did it not die but it bloomed beautifully for her this year.  She said she would love another daylily so today I dug up an all white King Cotton daylily and took it in to her.   If it sounds like I'm being altruistic let me disabuse you of that notion.   It's hard to get all the roots when digging daylilies out so this year I again had Bela Lugosi's blooming and I'm sure the King Cotton will come back also.    This was the first day in September that I haven't seen a hummer at the feeder so no 'H' on the calendar.   I'll keep the feeders up but if I don't see a hummer in a week I'll assume they have all migrated and the feeders will go into storage until next year.

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