Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cockscomb Coral fungi

I have a problem.  As I remarked in an earlier blog I took a shower in Mjolnir and was surprised there were some dead flies on the floor.  As I said, I swept them up and didn't think much more about it.  However, each time I went in there since there have been flies - even more flies.  I'd sweep up the ones on the floor, let out the ones buzzing on the screens, and wonder again where they were coming from.  Checked out in the garage portion of Mjolnir.  No flies there - dead or alive.  Last Monday Mjolnir was coming close to being a horror film set w/ the number of flies flying or dead on the floor.  I ran water in the shower, each of the sinks, and flushed the toilet.  Couldn't imagine they were coming up through the sewer system but I wanted to rule it out.  The number of flies diminished each day until this weekend when it jumped up again.  The windows and doors are tight.  I checked where the air-conditioning unit comes into the house and it's been foam sealed.  It takes two to four weeks from when a fly lays eggs to newborn flies however even if a fly laid eggs in the building there isn't any food there for the maggots to feed on.  No other insects are getting inside.  I'm stumped.  If you have an ideas let me know.  (Unless they are truly disgusting.)


Anonymous said...

How about the exhaust for the fan in the bathroom?


Anonymous said...

Are they small flies? And mostly in the bathroom? If so, maybe they're drain flies?


Brent said...

Hopefully there isn't something dead in the attic portion? But not sure how the flies would get into the room.

Anonymous said...

we had a similar problem on Saturday with hornets. Hundreds of them invaded our front room (they started tearing down our neighbors home on Saturday so probably came from there). Dan sprayed with Raid Flying Insect in the blue can. It was VERY effective and is under control now. We were fortunate to be able to seal off that room so the mist stayed in there. Dan sprayed every two hours - a total of 4 times. If you have eggs that hatch you may have to do this every few days for awhile.
