Friday, August 16, 2019

Swamp Milkweed

Microsoft did an upgrade last night and this morning I'd lost my background picture, the PC had issues settling down, it insisted I create a PIN to make my logon 'easier', and it wanted to know my e-mail password before it would give me access (who remembers that?).  It's important to keep up on updates to avoid issues w/ viruses.  Updates usually are benign.  I'm surprised this one went so badly.  My cousins are computer programmers and we were talking about the latest and greatest business methodology being touted.  When I left programming it was Six Sigma which emphasized spending lots of time in early planning in order to minimize errors in the final product.  A good philosophy but it takes a long time for anything to happen.  The latest business philosophy is Agile which facilitates quick turn-around.  Another good system but does inevitably allow some errors to slip through.   Being on the 'other side of the keyboard' now I can tell you that errors suck.  Think it's time for the next better methodology.

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