Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Bur Cucumber

Brother Brent had hoped to do his yearly tradition of making a berry pie while he was here but didn't get to it this time.  I was looking in the refrigerator and saw the pie crust I'd gotten for the project.  I should really use that up.  Decided to try my hand at a hamburger pot pie.  Checked on-line, found a recipe, and surprisingly I have everything required.  I'm  not really good at following recipes so instead of the ketchup it calls for I'll probably use salsa.  And instead of the Cheddar cheese I will substitute Colby.  (You might have to be from this part of the Northwoods to appreciate the diff.)  I might even add a few ingredients.   If it turns out to be inedible, well, as long as I don't include a pickle I can count on Indy to get rid of it.

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