Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cupboards - morning and afternoon

 I told some people that I planned on painting the walls of the workspace in pink.  (You need to practice lying once in awhile so you can be believable when you actually do have to tell a whopper like "Yes, your new shoes are just darling.")  As the sun was rising in the east, I checked on the cupboards that the builders had installed the day before.  In that light I could see how the room would have looked if it had been painted in pink.  Maybe I should have.

By afternoon the sun was on the other side of the building making the colors more true.  The builder had attached  cabinet handles.  The electricians had finished outlets.  Brought out the microwave Friend Kathy had given me so a hole to the outlet could be made.  Ready for water and faucets.


Anonymous said...

Looking good so far!

Anonymous said...

My shoes ARE darling! Nancy