Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Common Whitetail Dragonfly

Summer Reading Program at the library: the children made slime, had little designs painted on their faces, ate hot dogs and chips.   During the two months of the program, whenever a child read a book they could put a slip of paper w/ their name on it in a big yellow bucket.   The more books they read, the more chances they would have to win a prize at the end.   Well tonight was the end and our County Sheriff came in to draw names.   Prizes included  telescope, rockets, Legos, more slime, toys,magnets, passes to a trampoline park, bowling alley, mini-golf, and those space pictures I'd donated so the library could have an outer-space motif for the extent of the program.  Everyone had a great time and hopefully the kids will continue to read.  Don't even mind cleaning mustard off the back table.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Just saw one of these on my rock outside. Thought it was a 4-spotted skimmer but couldn't find any pictures that really looked like it. But this guy looks exactly like. Thanks for the classification. :-)