Sunday, June 09, 2019

When Cement Trucks Try To Dance

 One reason to get a General Contractor instead of doing it yourself is they carry more clout w/ subcontractors.  Mine must carry plenty because on a holiday weekend, before 6 a.m., there was a subcontractor and cement was being laid for the new garage foundation.  They might have been in and gone by the time I got up except for one thing - the cement trucks got stuck.  We'd had a lot of rain.  The ground was saturated. Because my driveway is unpaved the trucks weren't fully loaded but the truck drivers were warned anyway to stay on the driveway because the edges were too soft.  The first truck came in and unloaded within the foundation forms.  Unfortunately, the second truck driver decided to go around the first truck instead of waiting for him to leave.  The second truck became royally stuck in the mud on the edge of the driveway.  The first truck tried to leave by skirting past the stuck second truck and it too became stuck but on the opposite side of the driveway.

The first cement truck was lighter since he'd already dropped his load so between the cat and another vehicle they were able to extract him and send him on his way.  The second truck though was loaded, leaning, and not budging.  The driver, after throwing mud around in a futile effort to dig his way out, resigned to sulking in the cab (my taking pictures probably didn't lift his spirits any).   A wrecker was called.  The wrecker stopped at the entrance of the driveway and the two man crew walked down to first assess the situation before driving in.  I already liked these guys.   They said the second truck  would have to dump it's load of cement before it could be moved.  W/ no way to transport it to the foundation, a pile of cement was summarily dumped in my field.  The cat guy came over and I looked at him.  "I guess a patio on the garage might be nice." I lamely joked.  He assured me that after his tractor ran through the semi-liquid cement a couple of times I wouldn't be able to tell anything had happened.  Meanwhile, a few feet away at the new garage's foundation, the first load of cement was beginning to set.  Time was passing, how to get it to bind w/ the next load of cement?  By the way, was there another load of cement coming?   
 - To be continued -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proving once again - Nothing is easy!
