Saturday, June 08, 2019

Setting up for the cement pour

 The next three days were active.   First the sewer guys came out and figured out where the sewer pipe would feed out of the building. It's the blue one that is set at an angle.
 Next came the plumbers.  Here one of them is studying the plans to see where all of the water feeds need to go.  They set up a grid pattern of lines to help determine locations within the space.  Following on their heels the insulation was laid down and a grid work of rebar was laid out on top of it.
The next day came the heating crew.  They picked up the rebar and set it aside, laid out the tubing for the in-floor heating system, stapled it into the insulation.  Before they left they repositioned the rebar atop the stapled tubing which gave it a little lift off the insulation ensuring it would be embedded inside the cement.  All was ready for the cement pour.  However it was now the Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend.  My general contractor had wanted the cement pour to happen on Friday so it could cure over the holiday and be solid enough for him to start working on Tuesday.  Looked like the project would be a couple of days late.

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