Saturday, May 11, 2019

Housing Dispute

I was doing the weekly check of the bird houses.  Once again I removed a house sparrow nest from 'C' house.  I'd removed one from that house last weekend, again on Wednesday, and now today.  Persistent little birds.  Decided to leave the door open until I saw the bluebirds arrive.  This house is outside my bedroom window and I saw the sparrow pair - one sitting forlornly on top and one inside where her nest used to be.    Maybe now they would find another place.  Instead they began to harass the tree swallows in the nearby box.  The male would fly over them, the swallows would take off after him, and the female would fly into their box.  Maybe possession is 9/10ths of the law in the avian world too. That set up for more squabbling until the swallows took over their box again and one would sit in the door - effectively acting as a plug.  I finally went back out and closed the door to 'C'.  Everyone seemed happy again - except for me - and I'll just continue to clean out the house sparrow nests.

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