Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Doe and newborn

Last night deer came out into the meadow just at sunset: two does and two of last year's fawns.  One doe laid back her ears and took off after a fawn.  The little deer ran a short distance to the other deer, waited, and slowly ambled back toward the doe.  The doe turned and took after it again.  My guess is the doe is ready to give birth and it's time for her one year old to be out on his own.  She kept chasing him until he and the other fawn walked off down the path along the woods.  The other doe was feeding a distance away up by the field.  The doe walked over, pinned her ears back, and gave chase.  This deer didn't need to be told twice.  She left in the direction the fawns had taken leaving the first doe alone.  Today, around noon, last night's bad-tempered doe came back into the meadow.  She was picking her way slowly.  A little bunch of brown hopped up from the tall grass and jumped over to her.  The newborn fed for awhile before the doe led it off toward the woods.  My hunch was right - just didn't realize a doe would wait 'til the last moment to give last year's fawn the heave-ho.

1 comment:

Brent said...

That was pretty neat that you got to see that.