Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sunrise through the grape vines

So much smoke from Canadian wildfires in the air that the sun appeared as a red ball as it rose this morning. I put the screens on and opened up the windows for the first time.  The scent of lilac and chokecherry was in the air. It's taken me longer than usual to get back into rambling walks this spring.  Decided though it was time to see if the lady slipper orchids were coming up in the sphagnum moss swamp. To get to them I had to walk across some downed tree trunks, hop across moss tufts, and stepped into swamp water deep enough that muck was coming into my hiking boots. It was wonderful. Felt so good that Indy and I continued on the long way through the swamp. Found all sorts of fun stuff and neither of us were stiff when we got back. Sure I had 20 tick on me and I doubt those socks will ever be white again but what a fun time.

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