Saturday, March 16, 2019


My cold was worse this morning and it was cousin Will's memorial service in the Big City. Figured sitting in a car is a lot like sitting on the couch.  I didn't know anyone from this church and my family is aware of my penchant for no touching.  Meant I probably wouldn't shake too many hands.  I drugged myself up before taking off and applied a liberal amount of hand sanitizer before getting out at the church.  The service was very nice.  The men's choral group that Will had been a part of sang twice and the pastor knew Will so could speak of their experiences together.  I'd barely gotten started on the way home when the car's GPS system became confused.  Fortunately, the church wasn't far from where I'd worked for many years so I could easily navigate my way out of the city.   The drugs wore off before I got home but I almost had enough Kleenex.  So ... I don't think I passed on my cold to anyone else and was still able to attend the service celebrating a wonderful man.


Brent said...

Glad you were able to go. Thanks for posting the picture of Will and getting the flowers. Was always entertained by his stories. Will miss him.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for this sad loss Susan.
