Monday, March 25, 2019

Last Year's Fawn

Went down to the town hall this morning and voted - multiple times.  First I voted for everyone I wanted.  Cast that vote.  Then I voted for everyone I didn't want.  Cast that vote.  Someone else voted and then I voted again but this time I put a write-in for every office.  The other person voted again and then the polls closed. In my state (and I would assume in every state) around a week before an election there is a public test of the voting machines.  It's announced in the paper and is open to anyone in that municipality.  At the public test, once there have been a few votes cast, the machines are shut down.  The machine tallies are checked against the actual votes 'cast' for accuracy.  If totals match the machine is reset and locks put on which aren't removed until election day - April 2nd.  This pre-checkout is conducted not only to ensure the ballot is correct and the machines are working but is an effort for the public to be assured that this phase of the election is fair.  As far as it's a fun thing to do - well, maybe only for retirees.

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