Monday, February 18, 2019

W - Wren

There is an Aesop fable that the title 'King of Birds' would be given to the bird that could fly highest.  The eagle soared higher than any other bird but once it reached it's limit a small wren hiding in the eagle's plumage flew out and just a bit higher.   The little birds were all ecstatic since one of them had won.  The big birds however claimed the little birds had cheated.  The little birds said, 'Fine.  We'll give you another opportunity.  The crown will go to the bird that can go the lowest."  The eagle spread it's wings and soared low over the water.  The wren however jumped down into a mouse hole.  The wren was crowned king but is always on the lookout for the big birds that want revenge.

The name wren comes from Middle English wrenne.  The Old English term was wraenna which was a cognate to Old High German wrendo and Icelandic rindill.

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