Sunday, February 17, 2019

More Jigsaws

 When the bad weather started earlier this month, I broke out the harder puzzles.  The Sherlock Holmes Speckled Band puzzle had no picture to go by.  The idea was to read the enclosed story, do the puzzle, and figure out from there who the killer was.  I already knew the story and who-dun-it.  Can't say that helped in piecing the puzzle together nor in anyone figuring out the villain!

The Birds picture was pretty.  I was so used to not having a picture to refer to I started out just trying to work it out by looking at a piece and deciding which kind of bird it was part of.  This weekend is the GBBC - Great Backyard Bird Count. So far I have three crows - 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday.  Hardly worth entering.

 The last picture was of the Boundary Waters area.  It had fewer pieces than the other puzzles but since it used only five colors (w/ some shading) I knew it wouldn't be easy.  I was correct.  Weather forecast is for more harsh weather by the end of the week.  I've only got a few puzzles left but not to worry.  I often redo a puzzle a second time before giving them away.

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