Sunday, February 24, 2019

Front Door Drift

I woke up early and could not get back to sleep.  Think it was a combo of the noise from the storm, my freshly laundered sheets, and a new ache which in my imagination I made into something dire.  So I got up and started puttering around.  By my regular wake-up time the dog and cats were fed, the floor had been swept, all of the plants watered, dishes were washed and put away,  I'd made out my monthly bills, put away the jigsaw puzzle I'd just finished, laid out the pieces for my last new jigsaw, the bread had almost finished baking, and Indy had been outside twice.  As you can see going out the front door isn't an option and the drift by the back door is even higher.  I could have shoveled them out but the snow was still falling and the wind was screaming as it tore past the house - the drift would have come back by the next time she would want out.  Those capricious winds had scoured a clear area in front of the garage door so I opened that up for her whenever she needed to do her thing.  Tonight the temps are forecast to drop into the double digits below zero.  Shouldn't be a problem - the house is bermed in snow.


Anonymous said...

Too much white stuff! March will be here soon and hopefully milder weather!
It took me few minutes to figure out the snow in the pic. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Wow! How many feet of snow are you getting? (Forget inches)