Tuesday, January 08, 2019

D - Bridge

Had a few errands and then stopped at the drivethru at McD's.  I ordered a latte and a hamburger.  At the window the server lit up when she saw me.  "You're the one w/ the dog!" she cried.  Indy reached forward from the back seat and grabbed the bag w/ the hamburger from my grip.  The server called over her shoulder, "The dog opens the bag and eats the hamburger all by itself!"  Decided not to wait to see who she might be talking to and drove off.  It might be a slow news week in town.
Bridge entered the English lexicon before the 12th century.  It has roots in German and Old Norse.  Handsome (this is a picture of some of my incredibly handsome family) came into use between 1350-1400 and originally meant 'easy to handle.'

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