Saturday, December 08, 2018

Hoar frost

My neighbor Anita called up and said we should check out Christmas in the Village.  Good idea. We both wanted first to look in at the open house for the new beauty shop.  It's in the same place as the old beauty shop - just w/ new management.  Turns out Anita had lived in the building when it was a house years ago.  She enjoyed trying to remember where the dining room and kitchen originally were.  Next we went to the Village Hall.  They were giving out free soup, cheese slices, and cold cuts.   We got there just before the lunch crowd so were able to easily find a table. After introductions were made w/ the other people already seated at the table we sorted out how we all knew the same people.  (It is a small village.)  On our way out, Anita and I stopped off at the library to see how the pictures w/ Santa and children's games were going.  Once outside we passed a hay wagon drawn by a team of draft horses and filled w/ kids.  Another stop at the Fire Station where the holiday crafters were set up.  I bought a few things and then paused at the Historical Society's table.  Carol (we graduated high school together) was manning the table and she said, "I suppose we'll have to do something for a 50th reunion."  I laughed.  She was obviously as excited at the prospect as I was.  However, we both immediately agreed that the Buckhorn Supper Club would be the place for a reunion dinner.  Decided things would go smoothly if we two made all of the decisions for the upcoming get-together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small towns are the best! Of course, when we were younger, we could not imagine living in a town as small as Bruce or Hamilton! It just takes living in a few big cities to change our minds. Our class of '66 had our 50th a few years ago. Lots of fun when we had a get together the night before to get reacquainted before the big event.
