Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Festive pets

The hospital had recently remodeled so when I got there around 6 a.m., I couldn't find a way into the ER.  All of the doors were locked and even ringing the bell by each door didn't bring anyone.  Saw someone walking out and asked how to get in.  Guess they could see I was in pain and before another minute had passed they had me in an examining room.  Doc diagnosed a kidney stone and a CT scan confirmed it.  Was back home around 11 a.m. but not feeling up to doing anything more than sitting by the fireplace for the rest of the day.  My sister called and asked if I opened up the gifts for my pets.  The plan had been to open them this morning but tonight was just as good.  She had little outfits for each of them!  No problem getting Indy to put on the sweater - she'll do anything for a treat.  The cats were another matter.  While they were entranced by the bells on them they weren't happy about putting them on.  Dunder eventually tolerated his collar.  Blitzen however was a Houdini when it came to getting out of her hat but she enjoyed pushing it across the floor and then pouncing on it.  Merry Christmas from my household to your's.


Anonymous said...

Hoping you are feeling better today. You will always remember this Christmas Day!


Flip said...

If ever I have seen a dog with a "OH PLEASE" look it is Indy.

Anonymous said...

Cute! Carolyn