I woke up in the stuffed chair by the fireplace. Haven't been feeling all that great, no appetite, and have been sleeping a lot. Meanwhile my pets have been entertaining themselves. The container of dog treats Indy had received as a Christmas present was on the floor, open, and empty. My guess is the cats worried it to the edge of the counter until it fell. Then it either broke open or Indy stepped on it to pop off the top. Either way, Indy was spread out, snoring, and sleeping it off. Blitz was sleeping too - in a nest she'd made of discarded wrapping paper. Dunder was active and playing w/ some little bundle. When he batted it close to the chair I saw it was a stretchy bandage that I thought I'd tossed in the wastepaper basket. Time for me to stop mollycoddling myself. I'll start tomorrow.
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