Thursday, August 23, 2018

Wild Plums

State Fair started today.  I have been going every year w/ friends since sometime in the '80's.  Time to start preparing.  One of my State Fair traditions is to convert the coins in my two piggy banks into easier-to-carry paper.  Over the course of the year I dump my spare change in them and then that's the money I use to buy State Fair accoutrements.   This year, combined, my piggy banks held only $64.  Now that most money transactions are done w/ credit cards or direct transfers I don't have as much spare change as before.  Doesn't help that the Feds are coining a new series of quarters commemorating National Parks and I've been saving a roll (40) of each.  Probably just as well that I don't have as much money for the fair.  I don't think I can eat as many cheese curds, pronto pups, elephant ears, french fries, caramel apples, cream puffs, raspberry malts, sweet corn on a stick, tater tot hotdish on a stick, candied bacon donut sliders, and deep fried Snickers bars as I used to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop!! You are making me want all of those delicious foods. Well, not sure about tatertot hotdish on a stick but the rest sound fabulous.
