Sunday, August 19, 2018

Darner Dragonfly (Aeshna constricta?)

Indy used the ramp for the first time to get into the back of the car.  We celebrated by driving to McD's where I got a latte and she got a cheeseburger off the $1 menu.  Tonight I was out on the deck near sunset.   Thought I saw a bunch of hummers in the air but it turned out to be Darner dragonflies.  Darner's are large dragonflies that will swarm to hunt mosquitoes.  They were hovering and swooping near the house and I wondered why they were being so brazenly open.  Think it's because most of the insect-eating birds have left the area and these guys are too big for hummingbirds to eat.  Therefore the dragonflies are, for now, at the top of their food chain.

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SRM said...
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