Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)

When Indy and I were passing Gorgeous Gorge there was a large amount of twittering in the Nannyberry bushes. The bushes are pretty thick so I had to watch for awhile to identify the birds doing all of the talking. Indy is used to me stopping like this and laid down on the trail to wait. Once in awhile a bird would fly off to another set of bushes and sometimes another bird would follow (chase?). Finally figured out at least some of the birds were these Yellowthroat wood-warblers. They tend to be secretive so I don't often get to see them much less take a picture. Kinda like their bright color and older males will have a dark black mask over the eyes. I put my camera back into it's case - the signal Indy was waiting for. She got up and we took off down the trail.

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