Friday, July 06, 2018

Turkey Vulture

Phil & Sheila arrived in the morning and went biking.  Meanwhile I did some errands and then contacted the neighbors to (1) warn them that there would be a lot of noise Saturday night and (2) invite them over to watch the fireworks.  Phil & Sheila are staying at the B&B.  Brent and I met them at a restaurant, had supper, and then sat out on the deck of the B&B before driving home.  Brent went to work on fusing together fireworks while, as usual,  Indy and I sat on the deck to watch sunset. Suddenly Indy gave a low growl, there was a flurry of activity behind my chair, and Indy walked off into the grass to gulp down the field mouse from which she had just saved me.  Decided it was time to go inside.

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