Thursday, June 07, 2018

Blue Bead Lily

Had signed up to sort the books for a big sale this weekend at the library.  However, yesterday's workers had gotten everything done so I opted to man the desk for awhile in order to give the librarian a break.  I looked over the stacked books for sale.  Hopefully no one will notice that the V.C. Andrews books are all in the 'V' section.  I would have moved them to the 'A' section but the books were tightly packed and there was no working room to make the move.  A lady came in and complained about a book she had failed to return on time at another library.  She had an accident, operation on both knees, and, while she had finally returned the book, that library wouldn't waive her late fines.  This all occurred over nine years ago and she still was upset about it.  Didn't help that the other library keeps dunning her for payment. It wasn't our library so we couldn't waive her fines.  Personally I think after this amount of time the whole incident should be forgiven and forgotten by both parties. Of course our president still blames Canada for burning the White House and that was over 200 years ago.  (Not to mention that it was the English that did it.)

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