Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Arcus Shelf cloud

Forecast said showers in the morning so I woke up at 5:00 a.m. got things started around the house and by 6 Indy and I were out looking for wild flowers.  My peonies aren't open yet and I hoped to find enough buttercups, yellow hawkweed, and bird's foot trefoil to make a flower arrangement for the library.  I stopped and watched the awesome shelf clouds coming in from the west.  Too bad I didn't bring my camera.  Indy wanted to turn toward home every time we came to a path intersection but since I knew exactly where the flowers I wanted should be figured it wouldn't take long to get them.  However when the storm's gust front hit I knew Indy had been right.  Immediately turned back and almost made it home before the rain started.  We didn't reach the hawkweed but by using a small white vase and frog the rest of the little yellow flowers made a quaint and charming bouquet (or at least I think so.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture. As always!
