Saturday, May 26, 2018

Memorial Day weekend

Arrived early at the cemetery w/ the pots of flowers in the back of the car.  Still hadn't decided where each pot would go.   They are all geraniums w/ alyssum that I potted two weeks ago and have babied ever since - watered daily, brought inside on cold nights, moved around for maximum sun, sheltered from the wind.   The bright red and white was a color combo I usually reserved for my brother so I did that again this year.  The pale pink blossoms  went on my niece's grave - a good decision because there were hanging pink petunias there too.  I had a pot that was a little avaunt guard - bi-colored pink paired w/ orange and purple.   Grandma would have approved so they went on my grandparent's grave.  For Dad and Mom I went above and beyond.  Hot pink/white in front and another pot of purple geraniums w/ purple and white alyssum in the back (which is in sight of the access road).   I stood up and looked around.  I count myself lucky that there are real flowers set out by others on the grave sites nearest my parents, brother, and niece.   The rest of the cemetery was awash w/ garish colored plastic.  Considered picking up a latte on the way home but remembered how much gas costs at the moment.  Brewed coffee at home and sat out on the deck in the cool morning air - contented.


Anonymous said...

The geraniums are beautiful! Thank you for all you do to remember our family members on this Memorial Day weekend.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sue! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your hard work for our family members! Thank you.